
Ford House Listed On National Register March 23 2016

John H. Waters, AIA, LEED AP sends word that as of March 8, 2016 Bruce Goff's Ruth and Sam Ford House in Aurora, IL has been officially listed on the National Register of Historic Places at a national level of significance!

This is fantastic news and an important designation for both Organic Architecture and mid-century modern architecture. If you want to learn more about Goff's incomparable Ford House, be sure to pick up a copy of the special issue of the Friends of Kebyar Journal all about it here.

Watch Lyrical Geometry At Goff's Ford House January 16 2015

Here's a link to a YouTube video of the unique music and architecture event that was held at Bruce Goff’s historic Ford House in Aurora, IL on Saturday, November 8, 2014. Third Coast Percussion performed their own musical arrangements of architect Bruce Goff’s player piano compositions while Luftwerk created a dynamic lighting installation responding to the house and the music. The video doesn't quite substitute for experiencing the event firsthand, but it gives everyone an idea of what an amazing performance it was. Watch it here.

Lyrical Geometry: Music And The Ford House October 06 2014

Don't miss a unique music and architecture event at Bruce Goff’s historic Ford House in Aurora, IL. On Saturday, November 8, 2014, Third Coast Percussion will perform their own musical arrangements of architect Bruce Goff’s player piano compositions while Luftwerk will create a dynamic lighting installation responding to the house and the music.

Ticket cost includes live performance and installation, hors d’oeuvres, drinks, live performance and a shuttle from Third Coast Percussion’s rehearsal studio in Chicago. All proceeds go to support Third Coast Percussion’s education, performance and commissioning activities. Get more info and your tickets here.