Annual Friends of Kebyar Journal Subscription

$ 35.00

Help support the ongoing education and preservation efforts of the Friends of Kebyar by becoming an annual subscriber. Subscriptions are available at $35.00 per year.

To order journals or become a subscriber via the mail, please send your check made out to "The Friends of Kebyar" to:

Friends of Kebyar
c/o Mike C. Brown
11 East Beverley Street, Suite 5
Staunton, VA 24401

You will receive the current published FOK Journal at the time of your order and will be sent further published issues during the course of your subscription period. Back issues can be ordered individually from the journal index found on the products page.

RENEWING Subscribers Bonus Program

Renewing subscribers – for each $35.00 payment for a renewal, you may select four (4) complimentary issues from the following list:

issue #8 The Celebration**

issue #11 Bart Prince

issue #12 Taylor Residence

issue #13 Jersey Devil

issue #14 Robert Oshatz

issue #15 Harvey Ferrero

issue #18 1984 Prospectus**

issue #20 Art Dyson**

issue #21 Gunther Domenig**

issue #22 A+U**

issue #23 Jack Golden

issue #24 Network News**

issue #25 Herb Greene

issue #26 Jacques Gillet**

issue #27 Shin Takamatsu**

issue #28 Post-Modernism**

issue #29 Dean Vollendorf

issue #30 Wallace Cunningham**

issue #32 Shin en Kan Report**

issue #33 James Hubbell

issue #34 A Pie for Mr. Wright

issue #35 Imre Makovecz

issue #36 Antonio Gaudi

issue #37 William Bruder

issue #38 Network Correspondence**

issue #39 1988 Prospectus**

issue #40 The Legacy of Bruce Goff

issue #41 4 Japanese Architects**

issue #43 Students & Teachers**

issue #44 Robert Faust

issue #45 Gyorgy Csete

issue #47 Daniel Liebermann

issue #48 Kenneth Treister**

issue #49 Donald MacDonald**

issue #50 Anton Alberts

issue #52 Will Miller

issue #54 Network Work**

issue #56 Hoichi Kurisu

issue #57 Rossi & Mazzoleni

issue #58 Peter Jansen

issue #59 Dan Duckham

issue #60 Continuous Architecture

issue #61 SFIA Student Work**

issue #62 Jones Studio**
issue #63 Joseph Wythe

issue #64 Robert Oshatz

issue #65 John Kay**

issue #67 Glen Howard Small

issue #68 Boldt: Fractal Architecture**

issue #69 Don Erickson

issue #70 Vitor Forte**

issue #72 Nari Gandhi**

issue #73 Art & Architecture**

issue #74 25 Years of FOK

issue #75 Gary McCowan

issue #76 American Organic Architecture**

** = Multiple copies of issue available at the discretion of the Subscriptions Manager

Complimentary Issues are subject to availability.